Welcome to Pousse & Co., a premiere online bath and body company I started in 2022 ...right before my midlife crisis of turning 50 years old. I've always been a true creative and artist and have dabbled in many forms and mediums out of curiosity but never took the leap to put my art out into the world for others to enjoy. 

I thought to myself, what better time than now to get the creative juices flowing and share my passion for creativity and explore what makes me feel like an accomplished, beautiful, fully grown woman. It was time to venture off and blossom. This is how Pousse became my vision. The word Pousse is French which translates to "push" or "growth" in English. My aim is to promote personal growth and well-being through the use of all of my handcrafted products. Just as I am stepping beyond my comfort zone and searching within my soul to become a beautiful human, I would like to encourage all of my customers to push themselves to be the best version of themselves and to grow in their self-care routines as a way to take care of their mind, body and spirit. 

Pousse & Co. is dedicated to creating high-quality, luxurious products that nourish both the skin and the soul. I believe that self-care is an essential part of a balanced life, and my mission is to provide customers with products that help them feel pampered and refreshed. It's the simple idea of creating natural bath and body products that would soothe and rejuvenate your spirits with a wide range of premium products all handcrafted with the utmost care and love.

Whether you are ordering a gift for someone special or treating yourself, Pousse & Co. is here to make the process easy and enjoyable. Looking forward to helping you feel refreshed and revitalized.

Unwind. Recharge. We are on this journey together. 

Thank you for choosing Pousse & Co. 

xoxo ... Robin